Grace, mercy, and peace from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
I’ve always had a deep love of discussing and teaching the Bible to anyone who is willing to listen, and that’s my goal here at Trinity as well. In the Bible we encounter something which everyone with a heart beat desires: love. The Bible teaches us of the deep love which God has for His people, a love so deep that He came into our flesh to die in our place so that we would inherit His eternal life.
Because of this wonderful message of love that we receive in the Bible, we here at Trinity are unashamedly, unapologetically Bible believing Christians and so also have a very Bible-centered worship and teaching. We use many of the same words and prayers and actions which God’s Church has used throughout time and which we see in God’s Word.
Come along with us as we experience and receive this great love God gives His Church. I, along with the rest of Trinity, would love for you to come and worship and learn with us.
In Christ,
Pastor Kyle Mullins